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Some foundations just never fail me |
When it comes to buying foundations, aku tuh picky super parah banget sebelum beli, pasti baca-baca review dulu, atau cobain dulu ke counter terus jalan-jalan gajadi beli, pulang lagi buka-buka review lagi, baru kapan-kapan kalau emang kepikiran melulu akhirnya dibeli. Ribet, but I think emang the right foundation is really-really important, kalau udah beli terus ga cocok atau kurang suka kan sayang, biasanya gak murah-murah amat harga foundation dibanding lipstick. Agree?
So as a result I have a mini collection of foundations yang memang semuanya aku suka banget, dan semuanya sreg banget. Most of them are usually lightweight foundations, with a bit of or really glowing effect. One of them is this Diorskin Nude Air Serum de Teint Foundation from DIOR. I'd really like to highlight this one particular foundation, karena dengan foundation yang satu ini, no matter how my skin condition is at the moment, hasilnya selalu flawless dan sesuai ekspektasi.